Flyability recently took the wraps off the all-new Elios 2 autonomous inspection drone at AUVSI XPONENTIAL in Chicago. The Elios 2 is a major advance on the Elios 1, which has already established a name for itself in the area of industrial and infrastructure inspection.
Elios 2 builds on the lessons learned in the field with Elios 1, as well as from extensive customer feedback. Unlike other drones built or adapted for internal use, the Elios 2 has been designed by inspectors for inspectors.
Dr. Adrien Briod, Co-founder & CTO of Flyability, sums it up this way;
“In developing Elios 2 we asked our users to challenge us. With their critical feedback, we went back to the drawing board to design, from the ground up, the ultimate indoor inspection drone they had dreamt about. The result is an intuitive-to-fly drone fitted with an unobstructed 4K camera that can hover in place to spot sub-millimetre cracks. It performs reliably in GPS denied environments, in dark, dusty and troubled airflows, beyond line of sight, and particularly in places that no other drone can access.”
Here’s an outline of the key features of Elios 2:
1. Unobstructed View
The surrounding cage is now fixed, and the payload — including an upgraded 4K / 12MP camera, and a thermal camera — are now moved to the front of the drone. Together, this allows for a complete and unobstructed view for the cameras, and of course the pilot. It’s now much easier to see exactly where you are, where you’re heading, and navigate around confined and complex spaces.
The visual disorientation caused by the rolling cage in the Elios 1 is a thing of the past. You have a crystal clear, high resolution view ahead, with a full-HD video feed back to the control monitor. This alone makes the Elios 2 much more intuitive and much easier to fly. But there’s more…
2. Seven-Sensor Stabilization
A total of 7 new proximity sensors around the drone now provide all-round, rock-solid stability in flight, even in the most challenging air movement environments (ventilation shafts, etc). This, coupled with new more powerful and responsive motors, makes flying the Elios 2 in GPS-denied environments easy and intuitive. You’ll spend less time getting there, and much more time inspecting. Productivity increases exponentially when you’re in control at all times.
3. Distance Lock
The new proximity sensors provide another benefit — the ability to lock the Elios 2 a certain set distance from an object, and to track along a consistent path. This is ideal for inspecting longitudinal elements like welds, pipes, or delicate pattern structures, getting up close to delicate elements without the risk of bumping or damage. Together, distance lock further enhances user productivity and the ability to gather immediate and useful data.

4. Powerful New Lighting
A powerful new 10,000 lumens on-board lighting system illuminates even the darkest environments — five times the lighting power of the previous generation Elios. And its adjustable: whether you need to see the whole of the inside of a space, or the tiniest crack, the Elios 2’s lighting system has been designed for the exacting needs of structural inspection.

New oblique directional lighting gives inspectors the ability to reveal textures and identify defects by creating shadows in asperities. Looking for pitting, cracks or build-up in critical components is as natural as using a more traditional flashlight.
Industrial indoor locations are often full of dust, which makes aircraft navigation difficult. The new dust-proof lighting cut through the murk and allows you to traverse dirty spaces with losing sight of your objective.
5. Enhanced Software & Analysis
Data is no good unless it’s effective and actionable. The Flyability Cockpit 2.0 desktop suite has been redesigned so you can prepare inspection reports on the fly. Directly connect the Elios 2 to a computer, import all data, analyse the the data and put together comprehensive reports for further action — including the ability to take measurements directly off imported images.
And now with Elios 2, change the way you visualise and interpret data by building 3D models of critical assets or components. Using third party applications, Elios 2 enables the creation of digital twins, revealing hitherto unseen or hidden asset details.
6. Reduced DOWNTIME
A new modular build structure means Elios 2 is easily serviced and repaired. Many minor repairs can be carried out in the field or at your location, or by Dronesurvey Asia here in Hong Kong. The need to send an Elios 2 back to the factory for repair is considerably reduced.
Free training is also included with each Elios 2 purchase. The emphasis is on getting productive use out of your Elios system in the inspection scenarios you encounter every day. The time spent on flight training is minimal because you’ll pick it up so quickly!
All-Round Enhanced Productivity
The Elios 2 gives structural inspectors and maintenance engineers the ability to carry out work to a continuing high standard, but with greater efficiency, reduced downtime, and enhanced safety. This is a robust, industrial tool, designed by inspectors for inspectors. It brings new levels of insight and data acquisition to the inspection process.
We believe that robots should be sent in hazardous places and dangerous situations instead of humans. Reinventing collision-resilience, Elios 2 allows you to capture every corner and inch of the most complex and confined assets, from a safe location.
In short, Elios 2 is the most intuitive, reliable, and precise indoor inspection drone ever developed. You will be able to keep your workforce out of harm’s way while performing flawless inspections right from the first flight — and using cutting edge drone data capture capabilities.
Contact us today for more information or a free demonstration.
June 18th, 2019
9.00 am – 1.00pm
(venue to be announced)
We’re taking indoor inspection to the next level. Together, Dronesurvey Asia and Flyability will take the wraps off this powerful new technology during a one-off, half-day event — one of only 10 global roadshow stops Flyability are making in 2019.
As well as live product demos, you’ll get to hear directly from customers who have been testing and using Elios 2 in the field. Learn how their workflows have been enhanced by the powerful new capabilities and datasets produced by Elios 2.
Flyability engineers and experts will also be on hand to answer your questions.
Space is limited. Don’t delay: sign up now!
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